The key objective of the Valley Gardening Club is to promote good horticultural practices among its members by holding Horticultural Shows and Competitions and arranging visits to gardens and other sites to observe gardening in practice.
Membership is open to anyone living in the villages of East Dean, West Dean, Charlton, Binderton & Singleton. Anyone not living in these villages is very welcome to attend our shows, talks and garden visits. Being a member allows you to enter any of our Shows during the year. Membership fee is are usually collected during the first few months of the year though you can join at any time of the year. We usually plan around six-eight events a year. Fees are £3 per person or £5 per couple.
We have a RHS Reduced Price Entry Card. This can be loaned to a member of the VGC and allows one member and one adult guest a 50% reduction on the entrance fee to RHS Gardens are Harlow Carr, Hyde Hall, Rosemoor and Wisley. Contact Vicky Mudford, see Contact Page.